This assignment is designed to help you integrate the insights and methods of self-care and self-management from the course into a plan that will support you throughout your graduate education.
Course Objectives:
CO 3: Identify and manage the many challenges and stressors that accompany being a student and how to address them appropriately.
CO 4: Create a system of work-life balance and effectively utilize internal and external resources.
Total points:
This assignment is worth 100 points.
Assignment will be in Calibri, 11-point font. You can copy and paste the table into a new document. Using landscape (versus portrait) page format will make it easier. Fill in all blanks.
Review the responses you’ve given to the graded discussions in Modules 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to get you started. Be honest with yourself about the things you struggle with.
Review the Download and review the Areas of Self-Care and Self-Management section in Module 8 Lesson. Identify four skills within areas you need to work on (planning your time, seeking support, managing emotions, being motivated). Using this form
(Links to an external site.)
, identify strategies, commitments, and beliefs that will help you succeed for each skill. Each commitment should be to a SMART goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (indicating frequency or date).
NOTE: Under “Seeking Support”: formal resources are those that you seek from organizations, such as counseling, career guidance, tutoring, or help from the Office of Student Disability Services.
Grading Criteria:
Please see the table below for grading criteria.
Areas and Skills
At least four skills are identified. They can from one to four areas.
Each skill is accompanied by at least two strategies for improvement.
Each skill is accompanied by a commitment to a SMART goal.
Each skill is accompanied by a belief that helps with achieving the skill.
Please review the grading rubric to understand the expectations before beginning this assignment.
MSW500 M8: Plan for Self-Care and Success Rubric
MSW500 M8: Plan for Self-Care and Success Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Areas and Skills
40.0 pts
Meets Criteria
At least four skills are identified.
30.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
At least three skills are identified.
0.0 pts
Does Not Meet Criteria
Fewer than three skills are identified.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
20.0 pts
Meets Criteria
Each skill is accompanied by at least two strategies for improvement.
15.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Each skill is accompanied by at least one strategy for improvement.
0.0 pts
Does Not Meet Criteria
Some skills are not accompanied by a strategy
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
20.0 pts
Meets Criteria
Each skill is accompanied by a commitment to a SMART goal.
15.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Most skills are accompanied by a commitment to a SMART goal.
0.0 pts
Does Not Meet Criteria
Most skills are not accompanied by a commitment to a SMART goal.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
20.0 pts
Meets Criteria
Each skill is accompanied by a belief that helps with achieving the skill.
15.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Most skills are accompanied by a belief that helps with achieving the skill.
0.0 pts
Does Not Meet Criteria
Most skills are not accompanied by a belief that helps with achieving the skill.
20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0