Additionally, based on what you have read and has been discussed in lecture, how might childhood maltreatment/abuse affect the physical/cognitive/social development of the child? In your response, explain what specific changes the child is experiencing (developmental changes – physical/cognitive/social) that might be threatened (requires a little research).
This paper will include:
1) A detailed and organized description of your observations.
2) The application of either the Dominant or Non-Violent Paradigms, as it relates to your observation.
3) A clear definition (in your own words) of the paradigm and correct use of terms and concepts throughout.
4) Discuss specific examples of what is taking place relating it back to the paradigm. In your opinion, which paradigm (Dominant or Attachment) is more effective as a parenting approach? Why?
5) Address and discuss how childhood maltreatment may affect the cognitive/physical/social development of the child (be specific).
6) Conclude your paper by stating your personal thoughts on your observation, addressing the issue of child maltreatment, and offer possible or current solutions that seek to help this issue.
• This is an essay, so you must have an intro and conclusion paragraph with a thesis sentence. Do not break assignment up into different sections; make one flowing essay.
• This paper will be a minimum of 4-5 pages in length (not including title or reference page).
• You must have a title page.
• You must have a reference page with the websites or other sources used in your paper (APA format).
• 2 Academic Sources (academic/scholarly journal articles; from JSTOR, Lexis Nexis, books, etc).
• 12 point, Times New Roman font
• 1” margins, left justified
• Double spaced