For this assignment we are focusing on presidential leadership, please watch Obama’s Deal (Links to an external site.)before answering the questions.
Please do not include the actual questions in your response.
Then, from what you learned in the documentary “Obama’s Deal” answer the following questions:
First, in what ways were the demands of the health insurance lobby in opposition to the s Obama proposed as a candidate during the 2008 campaign?
Second, why do you think President Obama eventually gave in to the demands from the lobbying groups?
Third, do you think the president might have explored other options?
Fourth, did the president show any of the leadership qualities discussed in your readings during the process? If so, which qualities?
Finally, do you think this type of political compromise is in the best interest of American citizens? Explain your answer.
Link: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/obamasdeal/