Type your answers to this assignment onto this page, using blue font to distinguish your words. Your answers should immediately follow the questions or items you are asked to address.
1. In Chapter 2 of Reframing Organizations, the authors describe four significant properties of organizations:
• Organizations are complex
• Organizations are surprising
• Organizations are deceptive
• Organizations are ambiguous
a. Describe the management implications associated with each of these properties (one by one) (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should total between 2-3 pages, single spaced.)
b. Taken together, what do these four significant properties of organizations tell us about the challenges of managing organizations? (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should total 1-2 pages, single spaced.)
2. Summarize Bolman and Deal’s Reframing perspective by addressing the following questions:
a. Why is the framing perspective important? How does it help managers to understand better the challenges and conditions they face? (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should be about ½ to 1 page long, single spaced.)
b. What are the key features of the structural frame? (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should be about ½ to 1 page long, single spaced.)
c. What are the key features of the human relations frame? (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should be about ½ to 1 page long, single spaced. Your answer should be about ½ to 1 page long, single spaced.)
d. What are the key features of the political frame? (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should be about ½ to 1 page long, single spaced.)
e. What are the key features of the symbolic frame? (Type answer here, using blue font. Your answer should be about ½ to 1 page long, single spaced)