write a paper on Ethical Situations in Education
Task 1: Ethical Situations in Education This is an Individual Assignment.
Pretend you have already graduated and you are now a teacher in your major subject you studied at university.
In your class, you find you have some very difficult students who are not motivated at all to learn.
Some of them constantly disrupt your class while you are trying to teach.
They perform poorly in their tasks, assignments and activities, they sometimes talk back to you and on occasions disrupt you.
Sometimes they are laughing and making jokes, throwing paper airplanes across the class. You tell them to behave themselves, but that does not work
Many times, you feel your temper rising. You are getting frustrated day by day. But you have to do your job as a teacher. Your job is for all students to learn.
1. How would you ethically deal with such students:
1. a) based on your current experiences as a former student in school a student in the university, your knowledge of teaching and learning so far.
2. b) Based on your current experiences as a citizen or resident of the UAE, and within the context of your culture and religion. (If you are not from the UAE or did not study in the UAE, discuss these issues within the context of your country.)
2. Whose fault is it that these students seem like they don’t want to learn and why is it their fault? Is it:
• Is it the teacher’s fault?
• Is it the student’s fault?
• Is it the parent’s fault?
• Is it the school’s fault?
• Is it society’s fault?
• Some other reason?
3. Do you think your ideas are in line with what is acceptable in your culture or would you have to persuade people in your cultural and school context that your methods are appropriate.
4. Create a PowerPoint Presentation comprising of between 10 and 17 slides (excluding the Title Slide) expressing your views on these issues.
5. Please note that there are no right or wrong answers. Your presentation will be assessed on its quality. You cannot just say, you will do this, or do that. You have to provide reasons for your ideas and the actions you will take.
6. As you think of these issues and prepare your presentation, you may want think of your views on punishment, rewards, maintaining discipline, and other related issues.
7. Your presentation must have a Title slide that includes the following:
• University name,
• College name,
• Course name and number,
• Your full name and ID number
8. You must check your work for spelling, grammar, and make sure you follow appropriate writing conventions.
9. Check your work using the Rubrics. I will use this to mark the Task
10. You must submit your work in two places:
1. a) Upload your work to the Blackboard Submission link for this Task
2. b) Create a Thread on the Discussion Board and Upload your work for your peers to
review your work.
11. Because of the size of the class, I cannot provide review all student’s work before you submit. However, if you are stuck or don’t understand the instructions, I will be willing to answer your questions.