Chemistry Topic options:
Forensic Ballistics
You will create a specific title based on the topic
Length: 3-4 pages (not including references)
Format: To be written in the form of a review article giving background details and recent developments for the topic. Before doing any in-depth writing, you can check with me the title of your research project
At the end of your report, you will write one or two paragraphs giving your personal opinion about the subject matter.
Journal or review articles, documentaries, books, specific college sanctioned web resources (not Wikipedia or google).
You must reference the source of your material. This means within the text, you must cite the referenced work, for example:
Recently, efforts to reduce stratospheric ozone depletion have been connected with climate
change in the troposphere [Molina et al, 2009].
The full reference must be given in the Reference section at the end of the paper, for example,
All Figures that you use must be properly labeled with the Figure number, title and reference of where you obtained the figure, for example,
You should reference at least five sources of information for your work. For example, two of these references could be citations of the sources of the problem and solution in the Discussion section. You should include at least one book and one journal article. Use the American Chemical Society (ACS) format for accepted referencing practices:
or you could consult:
Some possible sources of scientific information for your research paper: