Rice, Stephen. “Eyes In The Sky: The Publics Privacy Concerns About Drones.” Forbes Magazine, Forbes.com 4 Feb. 2019.
the thesis is something along these lines feel free to simplify.
As Drones become more common, new regulations are needed to protect the public’s privacy.
Assignment Summary:
Your final paper in CREW II is an argument research paper, on the topic of your choice. The research paper is the culmination of all your writing in this course. All the skills that you have gained so far have helped to prepare you to write it. For this assignment, you will need to apply your summarizing skills to introduce source material that you research, you will critique those same sources as you determine whether they support or challenge your argument, and you will synthesize the sources to create a coherent argument that is backed up by experts in the field.
This paper (not including the works cited page) should be a minimum of 6 full pages and a maximum of 10 pages, in 12 point font, and double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. You must use Times New Roman font. You will also submit a complete annotated works cited page (only include the sources you use in the paper). Upload the file in the .doc format.
Some important elements include an argumentative thesis statement, an annotated works-cited page, a minimum of 5 sources cited within the paper, 1-2 sentence introduction summaries for the sources you will use (artfully woven within the body of the paper), critique of the sources and alternate arguments (as appropriate), an introduction, and a conclusion.
Use at least 5 sources: You need to cite at least five different sources in the main body of your essay. At least one of these sources must be from a traditionally scholarly source, such as an academic journal or scholarly book. Wikipedia may not be used as a cited source. One of your 5 sources might be an interview. It cannot count as your academic source. You must clear the interview with the instructor beforehand.
Choose a topic within a few parameters: Your topic must be somehow connected with your life. It must also be a topic that would be appropriate for your audience in that it would be interesting to them and not demand a high degree of technical understanding of a particular field. Keep it current. Do not choose any of the following topics: drug control, the legalization of any drug (including marijuana), stem cell research, abortion, the legalization of steroids or the use of them in sports, the media promoting unhealthy women’s images, the lowering of the legal drinking age, gun control, or global warming.
Effectively use the artistic proofs (logos, pathos, & ethos): Establish yourself as rational, emotionally connected to the issue, and trustworthy. Give logical arguments that avoid fallacies, emotional arguments that are not manipulative, and ethical appeals that are truthful. Try to use the most appropriate means of persuasion for the situation, and give as many arguments that are appropriate for the issue. Do not create an entire position that rests on one argument. In short, have rhetorical balance.
Address the opposing side: Because you are writing an argumentative piece, you need to consider why your position is stronger than opposing ones. Take account of the other perspective without straw man fallacies.