Evaluating an Action Research Study
For this assignment, find one action research study examining The Failure of Multiculturalism & Social Diversity in the Criminal Justice System . Make sure the article utilizes primary data collection and there is a methods and results section. Using the search term “action research” in your library search will help you to properly identify your source. Properly identifying the methodology is essential for this assignment. Using table 13.2 Criteria for Evaluating the Use of Action Research in a Research Report on pages 444–445 of your course text to help guide you, address the following:
Determine how the research addressed a real problem in the community or their agency.
Describe multiple sources of data utilized by the author(s).
Assess how the author(s) reflected on or used the data – describe the iterative process used.
Describe the action plan proposed in response to the problem.
Assess ethical recruitment and data collection.
Assess credibility and the quality if the study. Will you retain it for your literature review?
This assignment is similar to the assignments in Units 5 and 6. Be sure to utilize the writing and content feedback you received on those assignments to strengthen this submission. Use the Capella Writing Center resources and reach out to the writing coaches for assistance if needed.
Assignment Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Number of resources: Use a minimum of 1 resource.
Length of paper: Approximately 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point