write about breasting babies vs non breast feeding babies how many time they visit the hospital in their first year .meaning health benefit in breastfeeding babies
Guidelines for developing your Literature Review paper (note this includes Part 1
1. The first part of your Literature Review paper includes an Abstract that discusses the problem, hypothesis and summary of the literature.
2. The second part begins your actual paper. You should being with the PICOT question and hypothesis statement. A brief summary of the importance of your PICOT question related to nursing should be included.
3. The final part of your paper is Part 3 – the Literature Review. Note your total paper is submitted in multiple parts and graded as such. This final paper brings all the parts together in one paper.
4. Select a primary care clinical practice problem related to advanced practice.
5. Develop your PICOT question and Hypothesis Statement.
6. Part 2 is the Matrix Table that summarizes the articles reviewed. This is submitted as a separate assignment and included in the Appendix of your final paper – Literature Review. Begin data base searches for evidence. Select the databases that can best answer your PICOT question. Your electronic searches should demonstrate the different search strategies used e.g. author, journal title, subject headings, time frame (within 10 years) etc. Show search words and truncation of terms used. YOU MUST SEARCH FOR RESEARCH ARTICLES.
7. Summarize each article for your matrix table using the format given in class.
8. For the final parts of your Literature Review paper, summarize each article by describing the problem, sample, methodology and findings.
9. Compare your findings to the current Clinical Practice Guidelines seen in practice that are related to your topic. Is there an indication for a change in practice?
10. If there is an indication for a change in practice, discuss recommendations for practice change based on your current evidence finding and clinical expertise.
11. Will the change impact families, patient outcomes and healthcare costs?
12. Discuss the pros and cons. (If the evidence you obtained is in line with the clinical guidelines then say there are no recommendations for practice change at this time). If there is not an indication for a change in practice, discuss recommendations for implementing this practice in an organization that does not utilize this evidence.
13. State how you plan to disseminate the new information if appropriate.
14. Compile a reference page using APA format. Submit the final group paper to the appropriate forum on Blackboard.
15. Use the abstract for presentation of your project to the class.