A five to ten page double-spaced paper on a topic that should relate one aspect of meteorology to your field of interest (generally your major, or to those courses you plan on taking if you have not chosen a major). The paper is NOT a team effort; each student will submit his/her own paper. Note that if you are using this course as an elective in the Environmental Studies minor, then the topic must be environmental in nature and must be dedicated to understanding the natural environment and its relationship to political, cultural, and economic activities. Note that if you are using this course as an elective in the Astronomy program, then the topic must deal with meteorology on another planet in either our solar system or another stellar system. Feel free to email the instructor if you need guidance selecting a topic. Paper topics are due almost a week before the paper is due. Grading will be based on ALL the comments that follow: You should use material you find on the Internet, material presented in class, and material presented in the textbook (something from all three sources should be in your paper). The paper should include a short (one paragraph) clearly labeled abstract at the start, figures, photographs, charts or tables (items can be lifted from the Internet, the textbooks, or class, provided there is proper citation), as well as a bibliography at the end of the paper listing web sites, books and other materials used (note that the five to ten page limit includes all of these items).