The essay should be approximately 750 words in length, and it should be typed and double spaced. Use formal essay structure (introduction, body, and conclusion). Also, the essay must be in twelve-point size and Times New Roman font. Remember to provide a heading (student name, professor name, course, date) in the upper left corner. A title must be in the center just above the introduction. And each page number should be preceded by your last name in the upper right corner.
The content of this essay should be an argument pertaining to a specific portrayal of zombies or ghosts in folklore, literature or popular culture. You may choose to focus on a text from class or on another text of your choosing—as long as it relates to the current subject matter.
You are required to find and incorporate two secondary research sources for this assignment (and at least one of them must be from an academic database), and to cite your sources (both with in-text citations and with a works cited page). Follow MLA guidelines. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and social media do not count toward the research credit, and Wikipedia is a banned source.