25 pages (not including bibliography), 1.5 line space.
Here’s a suggested outline for your topic:
1. Introduction: your research question, why your research question is important, overview of your results
2. Trend: A timeline of electric vehicle development in China, with number of firms, vehicles sold, type of electric vehicle technology, the range, prices, etc.
3. Policy: What policies has China used to support electric vehicles (e.g. price discount, charging station development), how effective those policies are, whether there are some unintended consequences (e.g. more congestion on the road)
4. Welfare: How much do consumers gain from the electric vehicle development (e.g. less expenditure on gasoline, cheaper vehicles, etc.), how much do firms gain from this development (more profits? more innovation? more international collaboration? more employment?), and the environmental impacts of electric vehicles (do they really reduce carbon dioxide emissions, if they use electricity generated by dirty coal still? Do they reduce other pollutants in the area where they are driven, but increase the pollutants in electricity generation by dirty coal in rural areas)?