You are responsible for putting your topic report findings into a brief powerpoint presentation.
Please identify at least 4 themes your topic findings reveal to you: themes related to
what you have learned in the course, from the textbook and films, and from
the racialization process. Examples can include: racism, discrimination, gender bias, resistance, segregation, economic marginality, political disfranchisement, assimilation. Create an argument or thesis statement on your topic.
Your powerpoint presentation should contain the following:
1. First slide: Introduction of topic’s main themes/central argument/thesis.
2. Second to Fifth slide: depending on the number of themes identified (four
minimum), you will need one slide per theme:
a. Each slide should contain bullet points, not sentences or paragraphs;
b. Each slide should contain an image that reflects the theme or bullet points.
3. You should have four slides minimum containing bullet points and images; up to seven slides maximum elaborating themes
4. Last slide: a conclusion revealing how your topic relates to your group, the course, and your opinion on the topic.