write this paper BASED on the literature review of the project. Please follow the instructions .
Professor comments” Hi Gerardo, I’m not sure how to respond to this assignment that you sent in. I was expecting to see, after you have reviewed prior literature on immigration issues, that you would design a research project around it. For example, would you be surveying people with immigration experiences? would you be interviewing them? etc. There is a sample article that I picked one week for people to analyze because I thought of your project. You might want to check it out:
Also there is also a article that my professor said I could use.
Assignment 6: Research Project Draft (05/04-05/11)
Now that you have established your research topic, reviewed prior literature on the topic, identified gaps in prior research and methods that could help address the gaps, it is time to pull all these components together. The structure for this paper should go as follows.
Introduction (1 page): how you became interested in this topic, and an overview of the structure of the paper and your main findings.
Background (3-4 pages): this is where you plug in your lit review that you have already written. Do make sure that the prior and upcoming sections are coherent.
Method (0.5-1page): describe the method you chose, as well as steps you took to carry out the research. Include information on participants, research site, steps of data collection, etc. when relevant.
Analysis/Findings (3-4 pages): this is where you show your analysis and describe your main findings.
Discussion and Conclusion (1 page): summarize what you have written previously, discuss how regular people or practitioners in the relevant industry might find your work useful, and briefly discuss the limitations of the paper and how they may be addressed.
Reference list (0.5-1page): Correctly cite all the materials referenced in the paper.
Max page number: 12 (double-space, 12 point font). Do not go over page limit.
For most of us, you have already done an intro (need to revise as intro to the paper rather than lit review) and the lit review. All you need to do is to write up the Method, Analysis, and Discussion sections.