Choose ONE of the four questions below to write a 6-8 paragraph (minimum) essay:
Compare and contrast the aspect revenge based on the sexes and how the male and female characters dealt with revenge based on the poem/short stories/play.
Discuss how melodrama is a significant theme throughout the literature discuss in class. Provide examples from the short stories, poem, or play/movie.
Discuss the tone of revenge throughout the story stories and drama.
Was the result of the revenge justified throughout the literature? Was it fair or unfair? Discuss.
The stories, poems, and movie/play discussed both in class are as follows: ( Must use all of the stories and movie to do essay)
“The Most Dangerous Game” – By Richard Connell
“The Cask of Amontillado” – By Edgar Allan Poe
“Sweat”- By Zora Neale Hurston
Medea – (Youtube Movie *Need to Watch*)