Conduct a comprehensive summary and analysis of an artifact using one of the rhetorical theories
Write a 5 page analysis (5 pages of text, this does not include the title or reference page, as per APA format) of the article using the following format
A. Cover/Title page with appropriate information (in APA style)
B. Body of the paper structured as follows:
a.) Introduction (should include in this section an attention getting device, preview, and reason why your project is relevant/important to the field of communication)
b.) Summary of your artifact (explain the artifact you have chosen, highlight the author/creator, its intended purpose, audience, etc.)
c.) Summary of theory (discuss the author of the theory, historical development, main theory concepts, criticisms of the theory, etc.). This will require you to go beyond the theory assignment in the historical sense especially. This section is also a great place to use scholarly original research.
d.) Critical analysis of the artifact using the theory (evaluate how it is possible to use the theory to explain the artifact, analyze how the artifact is relevant to the theory, explain how the author of your theory would view the artifact, discuss the relevance of the theory to your artifact)
e.) Conclusion (summarize your analysis, develop findings from your analysis, explain how future analyses building on yours could be beneficial to the field of communication)
C. Reference page with appropriate information (in APA style)