The incarcerated population in the United States has quadrupled in the last quarter-century due to the “get tough” mentality that pervades American thinking, and racial minorities are vastly overrepresented in the corrections system. It is important for a criminal justice professional to understand the issues that lead to and arise from overcrowding.
For this assignment, you will write an essay about overcrowding in correctional facilities.
Conduct research about prison overcrowding using reliable, quality resources. Write an essay reflecting your personal views and opinions while addressing the following questions.
1.) What issues have contributed to the doubling of the incarceration rate? Which strategies for dealing with crowded prisons seems most viable to you? Why?
2.) Imagine that you are incarcerated in a double-celled prison that is overcapacity. What are some of the factors that will influence the way you serve your time?
3.) How would you respond to the argument that the American prison is becoming a place where the urban poor receive better housing, health care, education, and job training than they do on the outside?
Writing Requirements:
-Your essay must be at least 2 pages and include at least 3 sources.
-Your document must be double-spaced using a 12-point font with 1-inch margins and include your name at the top of the first page.
-For citations, follow MLA format.