Quantitative Analysis
Over this unit, we discussed several different approaches to quantitative methods and analysis. We
discussed the use of content analysis, surveys, experiments, and descriptive statistics. We explored the
positives and negatives of each approach. In addition, we will practice reading and understanding each
analysis in class. Now, it is your turn to research the topic you have chosen for the semester within your
Communications track from a quantitative perspective.
You will write a
research essay that utilizes quantitative scholarship in your
Communications track. In the past, we have written research essays where you had to collect data and
analyze the data as part of your research argument. In this essay, you will rely on the quantitative
research of other scholars to argue your point. You may use scholars who have written about your topic
via other methodologies, but you must use a minimum of three scholarly sources that employ
quantitative methods.
Nature of Secondary Sources
All secondary sources must be scholarly and peer-reviewed—in other words, sites like Wikipedia or
others like it are not scholarly sources and are therefore unacceptable. A great start for source selection
is the bibliography at the end of each of our chapters. Remember, Chapter 2 of our textbook gives many
excellent sources as well. You should use APA citation style. If you are unsure of how to use APA citation
style, I suggest consulting a writing handbook or the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab).
Audience and Occasion
Another challenge of this essay is that you want to understand how to consider an audience and occasion
for your own composition. In other words, you should not see Dr. Iddings or your classmates as the
primary audience, but you should think about the appropriate audience for your essay based on the
research and analysis you conduct. Within the essay, it should be clear why you are composing the essay
for your audience and for what occasion. In other words, you should answer the question: why is THIS
essay needed NOW?
Please remember that all students must meet with me for a one-on-one conference of at least one of their
three major essays this semester.
If you have not met with me about an essay during the semester so
far, you must meet with me for this one.
Please make an appointment during my office hours or
negotiate another time that fits both of our schedules.
Typed, Times New Roman or Cambria font, 12 point font, Double-spaced, 1” margins
Utilize at least three, non-textbook, scholarly sources in addition to the relevant textbook chapter
APA Formatted Works Cited and In-text Citations
1250-1500 words in the body of the text, not including cover sheet, references, etc.
Must include properly formatted cover sheet (see syllabus for example)
Each draft submitted to Canvas by the due date/time
*This essay counts for 25% of your final grade.