1. Middle adulthood stretches 20 years, from age 40 to 60. In this time, based on your education and/or profession, what are some changes that can take place with oral health during this time period? How can middle adulthood positively impact oral health care? Negatively? Further, describe some stressors and/or developmental milestones within the middle adulthood years that may impact a person’s oral health, whether from their own behaviors or from medical conditions.
2. Late adulthood tends to begin around age 60 and beyond. Based on your education and/or profession, what are some changes that can take place with oral health during this time period? How can late adulthood positively impact oral health care? Negatively? Further, describe some changes that people experience in these alter years that may impact a person’s oral health, whether from their own behaviors or from medical conditions. Please use in-text citations.
3. Late Adulthood, also known as the golden years, is a time when people think about retirement and slowing down. Chronic conditions can unfortunately plague many in these years. Visit the following link and select any major topic to find interesting subtopics related to health issues in late adulthood. Then, write a summary of your findings. You can also include professional experiences on how chronic diseases can impact oral hygiene. This should be detailed paragraph. Please do NOT copy/paste, rather, paraphrase your answer. Please use in-text citations.