The first part is writting the letter of recommendation : 1 page (fill the whole page and single space)
The second part is editing the memo that is already written. The memo is in the file attached.
The instruction are mentioned clearly in the file attached. Please follow it
You manage the Landmark River Oaks Theatre (2009 West Gray, Houston, TX, 77019). Your film projectionist, Lara Croft, is applying for a scholarship at UH-Downtown. She wants you to write a letter of recommendation for her. If she wins this scholarship, she will probably stop working at the River Oaks.
Basic Facts for your letter.
You are NOT required to list or mention all of the facts provided.
In her present position, Ms. Croft is responsible for the following:
• Receives and checks the films.
• Repairs and stores the films when necessary.
• Loads the spools onto the projectors in the right order.
• Ensures that the films run smoothly during showings.
• Runs front of the house concession, selling food, interacting with guests.
Ms. Croft works a weekly shift, as well as helping out at film festivals that the River Oaks Theatre sponsors, such as the Red Dead Western Filmfest. She even proposed and helped organize the Summer Classics Tour, which screens double features every weekend of July with 10% of profits donated to Children’s Cancer Center. You are pleased with Lara’s work and happy to help as she is one of your best employees. ______________________________________________________________________
Scholarship Announcement: Here is the scholarship Lara Croft has provided to help you focus the recommendation letter:
Gordon Freeman Scholarship: Scholarship for any student with a major declared in art. Additional criteria: documented leadership skills; must be enrolled for at least 9 semester hours. Students interested in applying for this scholarship should include mention of all leadership and community/civic involvement.
Send letter to Arthur Morgan
One Main Street
Houston, TX 77007
Make sure both addresses are single spaced.
Write a one-page letter of recommendation for Lara Croft (fill the whole page). Your letter should be single spaced and use the direct strategy (which mean, state your purpose in the introduction). You will provide specific examples of the applicant’s professional skills, aptitude, and character.
Pro Tip: Read the scholarship description closely, and match your letter to its criteria.
• A Recommendation Letter Example is posted on Blackboard under Worksheets, and it includes instructions for the organization of this type of letter. That sample is a general model–NOT a template. If you copy the same language, sentence
structure, and paragraph length of the recommendation letter example, then you will probably receive a low grade.
A strong letter of recommendation should sound personal and original. Rely on the basic facts provided about Lara Croft as the general basis of your letter. But DO NOT copy them exactly. Instead, paraphrase the basic facts and elaborate and expand when it benefits your purpose.
You have creative flexibility with the details:
• What do I mean by creative flexibility? You are encouraged to elaborate/expand on the Basic Facts about Lara’s key accomplishments (or work duties and skills) by adding creative details, support, and context that is relevant to the situation and improves the persuasive purpose of your letter.
• Read the criteria of the Gordon Freeman Scholarship. When you write a letter of recommendation you try and emphasize the values and priorities described in the scholarship.
You will be graded on appropriate business letter format; grammar and punctuation; organization; concision, clarity, and fluency of language; professional tone; and persuasive detail.
A key component of the grade depends whether or not your audience is convinced by your letter.
Project 2 (of 2) Memo Editing
[15 points]
The premise of this assignment is that you have been sent by your company (ID-TECH) to a conference on the subject of workplace violence. You are required to submit a memo to your supervisor, John Carmack, and provide details on the content and recommendations that you took away from the conference.
However, you still need to edit and condense your rough draft and revise the document for proper tone.
You will want to improve the memo organization and improve the usability of the memo’s content.
Summary of Primary Goals:
1. Edit the document for clarity and concision and proper tone. Tone is created through word choice, so if a word seems awkward, or too casual, then change it. Is the word “stuff” or “things” appropriate for a business document?
Focus on the facts and how to communicate them efficiently. You will cut, condense, or change any words, phrases, or ideas that are not essential to the memo.
Try to condense the language and material on the memo by approximately 20%. The memo is currently 530 words in length.
2. Organize the content—the body—of the memo. Use the sample memos in Worksheets in the folder labelled, “Final Exam: Memo Samples.”
Use these sample memos as general models and inspiration for the organization of the content of your instruction memo.
Use any design elements from the samples that helps you effectively label and organize the material/body of the memo.
GRADING: You will be evaluated on the clarity and concision of the content, proper tone, memo format, organization, and overall usability of the document.
Document should be condensed by approximately 20%.
TO: John Carmack
FROM: [Your Name Here]
DATE: ????
the subject of when and how companies can prevent any particular instance of workplace violence. I found the stuff they discussed fascinating. Although we have been fortunate to avoid serious incidents at our company, it’s better to be safe than sorry in my opinion. Since I was the representative from ID-TECH, I thought you would appreciate it if I reported a few of the most relevant recommendations for preventing workplace violence that I heard about while I attended the conference. Mr. Masters was the guy who made three essential recommendations, which I will sum¬marize below.
Mr. Masters is a Human Resources Consultant and keynote speaker at the conference. Mr. Masters made three essential recommendations. First, to prescreen job applicants was one initial thing that he recommended for any organization. He indicated that prescreening would save the company sundry money and various resources. He said it would allow us to avoid the agony of having to terminate some unstable soul later in the year. Needless to say, wise com¬panies do not offer employment until after the company has gone through the process of checking a candidate’s background. He indicated that just the mention of a background check is enough to make candidates withdraw. Adopting that strategy is a no brainer in my opinion. As a result, we should not offer employment until after the candidate’s background has been checked.
After that, companies should prepare a good employee handbook. That handbook should out¬line what employees should do when they suspect possible and even potential workplace violence. This handbook should include a good way for informers to be anonymous. As a matter of fact, in graduate school I recall this strange incident where I had to report another student who was using the department copier for personal use. The absence of any anonymous method of reporting the incident made me pretty upset. Mr. Mathers suggested that including an employee handbook that includes methods for anonymously reporting threatening behavior is a way to ensure that employees have a safe and really awesome strategy for alerting management to warning signs.
His third recommendation had to do with recognizing red-flag behavior. This recommendation involves having employees get training from managers on how to recognize signs of potential workplace violence. What are some of these red flags? Well, let me tell you. He offered a list of 4 warnings signs that I will list below. One warning sign is an increasing number of arguments with coworkers or any complaints of sexual harassing. Another warning sign is extreme changes in behavior. Another warning sign is bullying. Another warning sign is bringing a firearm to work or displaying an extreme fascination with firearms. Moreover, the last stage of resolution he said is to then recommend counseling with our Human Resources Counselor. This recommendation is an awesome strategy to improve employee accountability.
Mr. Masters will also be offering another Office Vita Conference in the spring on April 7th. Please contact me by email or phone if you would like me to attend. I would be glad to continue my research on this important subject.