discuss how 3 of the following 4 texts show relationships that experience a form of conflict – “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “A Wagner Matinée,” and “Xingu.” To be more specific, you’re asked to analyze how these texts show relationships in a sort of conflict. For this part, you may consider conflict and relationships in several forms (i.e. how authors may show different kinds of conflicts and relationships). So, in this case a relationship can exist between 2 characters or a character and something else that is a non-human. Likewise, you’re asked to explain how these pieces are similar, or how they have overlaps and commonalities. Finally, please respond to this question – What do these commonalities show us (or signify) about American culture and society? For example – you might consider the following questions to formulate your question: Do these stories’ commonalities (or shared elements) suggest that American authors think in a certain way about relationships? What is that perspective on relationships?
There needs discuss specifics (i.e. examples) such as quotations from the material.