This assignment helps your review the demographic calculations and population data associated with the Balancing Equation.. Organize your answers using the numbering system of the assignment to avoid HEAVY penalties for disorganization, mismatched answers and tables, illegible writing and failure to write names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Please double space any writing that you do. ALL questions weighted equally.
1. Use the various forms of the balancing equation to complete the following table of annual natural increase, annual population growth, annual births, annual deaths and annual net migrants between 1995-2000. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE DATA HAVE BEEN ANNUALIZED. THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO ANNUALIZE THE DATA FURTHER. Once the table is completed, in a brief paragraph review the data, making note of the countries that had largest absolute population increases and how their components of growth (births, deaths and net migrants) contributed to the large increases. Also identify the countries that had the least absolute increases, and discuss how their components of growth contributed to small population changes. Use data selectively to support your statements and be clear, brief and concise.
Countries Births (1000s) Deaths (1000s) Net Migration(1000s) Natural
Increase (000s) Population Growth (000s)
Botswana 84 38 -1
Cameroon 571 229 -5 342
Chad 414 159 7
Cote d’Ivoire 596 259 12
Cambodia 487 148 339 339
China 9043 -304 9550 9246
India 8772 -240 16168
Nepal 833 241 -24
Australia 249 145 90
Austria 67 80 5
Belgium 100 103 -3 10
Germany 672 883 180
Switzerland 61 4 -9 -5
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base.
● Use the following formulas for question 1
• P2-P1=B(1,2)-D(1,2)+M(1,2)
• NI = B(1,2)-D(1,2
• M (1,2) =P2 – P1 – B(1,2) + D (1,2)
• B(1,2) = P2- P1 + D (1,2) – M (1,2)
• B(1,2) = NI(1,2) + D (1,2)
• D(1,2)=P1-P2 + B(1,2) + M(1,2)
• D(1,2)=B(1,2) – NI(1,2)
• P1=P2 – B(1,2) + D (1,2) – M (1,2)
• P2=P1 + B(1,2) – D (1,2) + M (1,2)
2. Using the information in question 1 as well as the midyear population figures provided below, calculate the 1995-2000 annual crude rates, for the following countries. Once you are done completing the table, in a brief paragraph review the data, making note of countries with the fastest and slowest population changes and how the various vital rates (crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude net migration rate) influenced their rates of growth. How are the rankings of countries by their rates of population growth different from the rankings by absolute population growth(compare the table 1 and table 2). Use data selectively to defend your statements and be brief and concise.
Countries Midyear population (1000s) Crude birth rate (per 1000 people) Crude death rate (per 1000 people) Crude net migration rate (per 1000 people) Crude Rate of Natural Increase(%) Crude rate of population growth(%)
Countries Midyear population (1000s) Crude birth rate (per 1000 people) Crude death rate (per 1000 people) Crude net migration rate (per 1000 people) Crude Rate of Natural Increase(%) Crude rate of population growth(%)
Botswana 1,541
Cameroon 14,876
Chad 7,885
Cote d’Ivoire 16013
Cambodia 13,104
China 1,275,133
India 1,008,937
Nepal 23,043
Australia 19,138
Austria 8,080
Belgium 10,249
Germany 82,017
Switzerland 7,170
Use the following formulas for question 2:
● Crude Birth Rate (CBR) =
● Crude Death Rate (CDR) =
● Crude Net Migration Rate (CNMR) =
● Crude Rate of Natural Increase (CRNI %) = (CBR – CDR)/10
● Crude Rate of Population Growth (r%) = (CBR – CDR + CNMR)/10
3. This question introduces you to nonstandard forms of the demographic balancing equation employed in computing relative population change. Use the Demographic Balancing Equation to complete this table of 2007 crude rates from around the world.
Crude Crude Crude Net Crude Rate Crude Rate of
Birth Rate Death Rate Migration Rate of Natural Population
Country or area per 1000 people Increase (%) Growth (%)
WORLD 20.3 8.3 0.0
Spain 10.0 9.8 1.0
Switzerland 9.7 8.5 2.7
Syria 27.2 4.7 0.0
Ukraine 9.5 16.1 -0.7 -0.67
Uruguay 14.4 9.2 0.5 0.50
Uzbekistan 18.4 -3.1 1.3 0.99
Venezuela 21.2 -1.3 1.6 1.49
Vietnam 16.6 6.2 1.00
Yemen 42.7 8.1 3.46
Zambia 40.8 -2.4 1.9 1.66
Zimbabwe 18.3 -22.5 1.4 -0.85
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base.
● Use the following formula for question 3
o Crude Rate of Natural Increase (CRNI %) = (CBR – CDR)/10
o Crude Rate of Population Growth (r%) = (CBR – CDR + CNMR)/10
o Crude Net Migration Rate (CNMR): = r*10 – CBR+CDR
o Crude Birth Rate (CBR): = r*10 + CDR-CNMR or = CRNI*10 + CDR
o Crude Death Rate (CDR): = CBR+CNMR -r*10 or : = CBR – CRNI*10
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base.
● Use the following formula for question 3
o Crude Rate of Natural Increase (CRNI %) = (CBR – CDR)/10
o Crude Rate of Population Growth (r%) = (CBR – CDR + CNMR)/10
o Crude Net Migration Rate (CNMR): = r*10 – CBR+CDR
o Crude Birth Rate (CBR): = r*10 + CDR-CNMR or = CRNI*10 + CDR
o Crude Death Rate (CDR): = CBR+CNMR -r*10 or : = CBR – CRNI*10
4. In this question, you review the growth, birth, death and net migration rates at the extremes of current world experience. Using the rates found in the 2018 World Population Data Sheet (the data that begins from page 8), find the country with the highest crude birth rate and fill in the name of the country and the rate in the chart below. If there is more than one country with the same rate, select any one of the countries. Do the same for the highest crude death rate, the highest crude rate of natural increase and the highest crude rate of net migration. Once you are done with the highest rates, do the same for the lowest crude birth, death, natural increase and net migration rates. Once the table is complete, write a short description of the table, highlighting what it tells you about demographic change around the world and using the data to document your claims. Use the right expressions to describe the data (per 1000 for the birth, death and net migration rates and % for the natural increase rate). Remember that these rates are unique and represent the highest and lowest rates in the entire world round about 2018. Your write-up should indicate that recognition. The 2018 World Population Data Sheet is included in the high stakes 2 assignment folder. https://bozzygeo.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/7/6/23766711/2018_wpds.pdf
Country Highest Rate Country Lowest Rate
CBR per 1000 people
CDR per 1000 people
Crude Rate of Natural Increase (%)
CNMR per 1000 people
5. Using rates from the 2018 World Population Data Sheet (data that begins on page 8) rank all the following major world regions according to the demographic
characteristics in the chart below: Africa, Asia, North America, Latin America and the Carribean, Europe, and Oceania. Briefly describe the demographic scenario depicted in the table, supporting your statements with selected data. Use the right expressions to describe the data (per 1000 for the birth, death and net migration rates and % for the natural increase rate). The 2018 World Population Data Sheet is included in the high stakes 2 assignment folder.https://bozzygeo.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/7/6/23766711/2018_wpds.pdf
Rank Crude Birth Rate Crude Death Rate Crude Net Migration Rate Crude Rate of Natural Increase
Region Rate (per 1000 population) Region Rate(per 1000 population) Region Rate(per 1000 population) Region Rate (%)
2nd Highest
2nd Lowest