analyze a social proanalyze a social blem of your choosing, and evaluate an organized response to that problem. What is your specific action plan to solve the problem
• Format essay using MLA style and double space.
• The length of the essay is 1000-1500 words (4-5 pages excluding your Works Cited page).
• Incorporate research with in-text citations from a minimum of five sources.
I. Introduction. This section will grab your reader’s attention and include your thesis statement.
II. Definition of the problem. What is the social problem? Who claims it is a problem, and why? Who is affected by the problem? What are the problem’s causes and/or consequences?
III. Analysis of the problem. What factors led to the current state of the issue? Work backwards from present day. Delve into those factors. By figuring out what details helped cause the problem, it helps you find ways to solve it. What laws can be changed…how might social views be altered…how could media play a role…how are finances tied into your issue
IV. Determination of the criteria for an optimal solution. What needs to be in place in order for a solution to be effective? Perhaps a new law needs to be in place or changes in rules or regulations.
V. Proposed solutions. This is where you set forth two or three potentially effective solutions to the problem.
VI. Evaluation of proposed solutions. Now that you have two or three proposed solution, examine your proposed solutions with the criteria you set forth earlier in your paper (see IV above). What are the strengths and weaknesses of each proposed solution?
VII. Select a solution. Choose your strongest solution from the proposed solutions. Explain why you chose the solution and why you think that it is the optimal solution.
VIII. Suggest strategies to implement your solution. Now that you have an optimal solution, how are you going to put it in motion? For example, if a new law is needed, who needs to be contacted to get the process started? In some cases, you start with your local community leaders and grow from there. Who are you going to contact to begin the process of getting your solution in place? How are you going to reach your audience? Are you going to use social media, advertisements, speeches? Discuss this process.
IX. Conclusion. This section restates your problem and solution. It does not add any new information that you haven’t already included in your essay. Think about how you want to use this section to leave a lasting impression with your reader. Perhaps you would end with a question or a profound statement.