Topic: Simulation-Based Airway Management to Evaluate Emergency Medical Services Students in Using of Different Airway Management Devices
Expression of literature review: The existing knowledge is evaluated and the gaps in the previous research have been identified in clear coherent way.
Introduction: The introduction includes a statement of the problem, briefly introduce topic definitions.
Body: The body of the literature review summarizes the findings in which the ideas are linked together in a logical sequence.
Summary: Conclusions are drawn based on the discussion
Refence: The review, including all citations, headings and the reference page, follows Vancouver format.
Plagiarism: must be Free in safe assign (blackboard).
Summarize 1250 Words into 600 Words ( 2 pages double space)
Font size: Size12
Font style: Arial
Headings: Size 14 bold, Arial
Margins: At least 3.17cm (1.25 inches) should be used for all top, bottom, and side margins.
Spacing: 2 lines spacing
Pagination: Individual pages must be numbered – bottom of page and center (digit only)
Justify text in the document