Describe one technology that marked major progress milestones in history. In your overview provide the following key information (rubrics):
1.Who …. were the key contributors accredited for creating the technology? This may be an individual or an organisation. Briefly describe their background and how they acquired the capacity and capability to create the technology.
2.When and where ….. was the technology was first developed and when did it become mainstream in the public domain, locally and globally?
3.Why… what were the precursor circumstances that acted as the motivation for the technology? (e.g. …was it a result of a crisis or overwhelming need, competitive market force or a visionary with influence?)
4.How ….. has that technology changed society over time and today? (e.g. …are we now dependant on it and what may happen if it is taken away?)
5.What do you expect will be the future timeline of the technology? (…will it evolve and enable new technology or will it become obsolete and fade into history… why