After completing the ‘Developing Lives” assignment in LaunchPad, you will write a reflection paper about the experience of raising a virtual child. In this reflection, you should discuss how the decisions you made impacted your child’s physical, emotional, social, biological, and cognitive development. Also discuss how your decisions as a parent impacted YOU, your partner, and your relationship with your partner. Use theories and concepts learned in the course to support your reflections, and discuss what, if any, changes you might make in your own life as a result of what you have learned in this course/assignment.
The paper should be 3 pages in length, with 1” margins (left, right, top, and bottom), size 10 font in Times New Roman, and should be in APA format for citations. FOR APA FORMATTING, YOU ONLY NEED TO USE APA FOR IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND THE INCLUSION OF A ‘REFERENCES’ PAGE. YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A TITLE PAGE, ABSTRACT, ETC. 🙂
The paper will be graded on punctuation and grammar (30%), accurate use of concepts and theories (40%), clarity and organization of thought (30%). No late papers will be accepted. You will turn this paper in by the due date listed in the course calendar at the bottom of this syllabus, using D2L. No paper copies will be accepted. DUE BY 04/09/2020.