This is a paired task. You may want to consider using DropBox or Google Drive with your partner to maintain an ongoing discussion document. This task requires you to write a critical analysis of the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008). More information about this assessment will be provided throughout the course and avialable on Blackboard. Use the questions in the Policy Analysis Framework Handout as an initial way to read and analyse the policy and related documents. Use government releases, supporting documents, academic research, media, and other resources to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the policy, and the debates about the social issues it is trying to address. Using your reading of the policy and the research you have done, write an assessment of the policy which: • Demonstrates an understanding of the social/historical/political contexts in which the policy emerged. • Critically analyses and assesses the key ambitions of the policy in relation to issues of difference and/or inequality in education. • Uses evidence from relevant professional literature, media, and peerreviewed articles, to support analysis of the specific policy, and/or the related social issue. • Uses relevant concepts/issues/debates in this analysis. A creative and meaninful title which indicates to the reader the focus of your analysis (e.g., do not merely name it ‘Policy Analysis’) A clear introduction that describes the focus of your analysis and the main point you are making about your assessment of the policy. A carefully written mainbody which logically develops your analysis of the policy, and provides evidence/support for this assessment through the use of relevant resources (i.e., quotes from the policy documents, academic articles, etc). A succinct conclusion which draws together the main ideas of your analysis. Full intext referencing, and a reference list at the end of the essay. See APA formatting guide in Little Blue Book or the Purdue Owl Online Resource. Cite a minimum of 2 peer reviewed soureces and 2 additional sources to pass the assessment.