Write an exegetical paper on Galatians 1:6,7 using Gordon Fee’s guide covering the various aspects of the Exegetical task. (Turabian 6th edition)
Introduction 1
Chapter I. Guide for Full Exegesis
A. Initial Steps for All Genres 8
Step 1. Survey the historical context in general. 8
1.1. Read the entire document through in English in one sitting. 9
1.2. Check your observations against the secondary literature. 9
List two sources for this information from Bible Encyclopedias, Dictionaries or New Testament Introductions. (Give page #s)
Step 2. Confirm the limits of the passage.
Please note that the limits of your passage (where it begins and ends) are open to question. Note any changes you believe ought to be made. If you believe the passage limits are correct simply say “No differences.” 9
Step 3. Become thoroughly acquainted with your paragraph/pericope. 10
3.1. Make a provisional translation. 10
If you know Greek, translate the passage. Otherwise list the differences found in five English translations. Show this in a table listing the translations side-by-side. Be sure to identify the different versions. Indicate in some way (either in the table or in a list below the table) the differences between the English versions.
3.2. Make a provisional list of exegetical difficulties. 11
List at least two points that appear to need further study. Tell why you have chosen them.
3.3. Read the paragraph through in several translations. 11
Step 4. Analyze sentence structures and syntactical relationships. 12
4.1. Make a sentence flow. 13
Do this as described by Fee on pages 41-57.
4.2. Make a sentence diagram. 13
If you know Greek and are able to diagram the sentence, do this instead of a sentence flow (4.1). Fee no longer gives instruction on sentence diagramming.
Step 5. Establish the text. 15
If you are able to use the apparatus in the Greek text, list the textual variants in your text. Otherwise consult a commentary that refers to any meaningful textual variants and list those mentioned (The Word Biblical Commentary is helpful here)
Step 6. Analyze the grammar. 15
If you have had Greek, list a couple of the more significant grammatical issues (categorize them according to the standard vocabulary [For instance, “subjective” or “objective” genitive, “dative of means”]). Otherwise list any grammatical differences that can be seen upon observation of five translations in your table above. Look for things such as tense and person differences, etc., and make note of them.
Step 7. Analyze significant words. 15
• List three words that might deserve study (see how to choose them on pages 79-81). Based on Fee’s discussion, tell the reason why you have chosen each.
• List two original language lexicons that discuss these words. List the page numbers where the discussion of these words can be found.
Step 8. Research the historical-cultural background. 16
List two previously unmentioned sources for this information from commentaries, Bible Encyclopedias, Dictionaries or New Testament Introductions. (Give page #s)
B. Special Considerations for Different Genres 16
At this point you will have to proceed according the genre of your passage. Do only the steps that correspond to the genre you have chosen.
B (E). Exegeting the Epistles 16
Step 9 (E). Determine the formal character of the epistle. 16
9.1 (E). Differences in Character 17
Is your passage a “letter” or “epistle”?
9.2 (E). Epistolary Aspects 17
In what part of the letter is your passage?
9.3 (E). Rhetorical Features 17
List any seen, look at the list of possible features in Fee.
Step 10 (E). Examine the historical context in particular. 18
10.1 (E). Reading for Details 18
10.2 (E). Audience 18
10.3 (E). Key Words 18
10.4 (E). Summary Description 18
Present a one paragraph description of the above information according to Fee’s instruction.
Step 11 (E). Determine the literary context. 19
Describe in one paragraph according to Fee’s instruction to the following two points.
11.1 (E). Logic and Content 19
11.2 (E). Content and Argument 19
B (G). Exegeting the Gospels 20
a. The Nature of the Gospels 20
b. Some Working Hypotheses 21
Give a synopsis of Fee’s “working hypotheses” and any differences you might have with it.
c. The Task of Exegesis 22
Step 9 (G). Determine the formal character of the pericope or saying. 23
State your view on the general and specific literary type.
9.1 (G). Identify the general literary type. 23
9.2 (G). Identify the specific literary form. 23
Step 10 (G). Analyze the pericope in a Gospel synopsis. 24
Compare the passage to its parallel in another Synoptic Gospel (if it occurs). You will need to get a copy of a parallel. If John, list other Gospel passages in which similar subject matter is discussed in Jesus’ ministry in the synoptics.
10.1 (G). Selectivity 24
If this passage is paralleled in another Gospel (or Gospels) tell where it occurs.
10.2 (G). Adaptation 24
Note any differences that are seen in the other accounts (additions, omissions, changes, etc.). If your passage is in John, consider whether and how your passage presents a different historical or theological point of view than the Synoptic Gospels.
10.3 (G). Arrangement 25
Note the context differences of your passage to the other Gospel account(s).
10.4 (G). Consider possible life settings in the ministry of Jesus. 26
Take a guess here based on the possible settings mentioned by Fee (pg. 26)
Step 11 (G). Analyze the pericope in its narrative context. 26
Take a guess as to why the evangelist put the passage in this context, especially if it is found in a different place in another Gospel.
B (A). Exegeting the Acts of the Apostles 27
Step 10 (A). Research the historical questions. 27
Answer the questions Fee asks.
Step 11 (A). Determine the literary context. 27
State the context of what has come before and what comes after.
B (R). Exegeting the Book of Revelation 28
Step 9 (R). Understand the formal character of the Revelation. 29
9.1 (R). Determine the source or background of the image. 29
List words that make up the imagery of your passage.
9.2 (R). Determine the present use of the image. 29
9.3 (R). See the visions as wholes. 30
Make a guess as to the meaning of the whole of your passage (don’t worry about getting it “wrong” but you may want to consult a commentary on this one.)
Step 10 (R). Determine the historical context. 30
List two previously unmentioned resources that discuss the historical context of Revelation.
Step 11 (R). Determine the literary context. 30
From an outline of Revelation, where is your passage set?
C. Further Steps Common to All (All must answer Step 12) 31
Step 12. Consider the broader biblical and theological contexts. 31
State your view to a couple of the questions asked by Fee in this section.
Step 13. Accumulate a bibliography of secondary sources and read widely. 32
13.1. Investigate what others have said about the passage. 32
13.2. Compare and adjust. 32
13.3. Apply your discoveries throughout your paper. 33
13.4. Know when to quote. 33
13.5. Know the uses of annotation. 34
Step 14. Provide a finished translation. 35
Step 15. Write the paper. 35
For the Epistles
15.1 (E). Problems 35
15.2 (E). Contexts 35
15.3 (E). Overview 36
15.4 (E). Argument 36
15.5 (E). Conclusion 36
For the Gospels
15.1 (G). Opening 36
15.2 (G). Context 36
15.3 (G). Sitz im Leben Jesu 36
15.4 (G). Meaning 37
D. The Application 37