Scenario: You are speaking in a meeting with the hospital compliance officer and the hospital representative for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) team, and have been asked “How will we maintain patient privacy with our documents on the Internet?”
Use the university library, journals, and your experience to create a strategic plan for a 200-bed acute care facility that considers possible data privacy breaches and proposes effective methods to avoid them. Additionally, explain what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information.
Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed references published within the past 5 years.
Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages excluding the title and reference pages
See rubric attached.
Assignment : NRSG615-U4IP- The risk of breaches in patient information in the electronic medical record
Level of Achievement Exemplary – exceeds expectations Proficient – meets expectations Fair – needs improvement Poor – does not meet expectations Score:
Total points possible: 175 90-100% 80-89% 73-79% 72 or less%
Criteria percent of score
The document identifies and defines possible data privacy breaches. (Max 35 points) 20% The document clearly identifies and defines possible data privacy breaches (31-35 points) The document identifies but does not clearly define possible data privacy breaches (28-30 points) The document minimally identifies and defines possible data privacy breaches (25-27 points) The document does not identify or define possible data privacy breaches (24 or less points)
Proposes effective methods to avoid privacy breaches. A minimum of 4 articles are cited. (Max 52.5 points) 30% Proposes effective methods to avoid privacy breaches. A minimum of 4 articles are cited. (47-52.5 points) The proposed methods to avoid privacy breaches are not clearly supported. Less than 4 articles are cited. (42-46 points) The proposed methods to avoid privacy breaches are minimally supported. Less than 3 articles are cited. (38-41 points) The proposed methods to avoid privacy breaches are not supported. Less than 2 articles are cited (37 or less points)
Explain what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information. (Max 61.25 points) 35% Explain what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information. (55-61.25 points) Explanation of what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information are not clearly discussed (49-54 points) Explanation of what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information are minimally discussed (44-48 points) Explanation of what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information are not discussed (43 or less points)
Spelling, Grammar, APA format; 3-5 pages not including title page and reference page. (Max 26.25 points) 15% No spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 2 errors in APA formatting. (23-26.25 points) 1-2 spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 4 errors in APA formatting. (21-22 points) 4-5 spelling or grammatical errors. 4-6 errors in APA formatting. (19-20 points) More than 5 spelling or grammatical errors. More than 6 errors in APA formatting. (18 or less points)
100% Total score: 0