1.(based on the obesity project)
For this assignment, you will consider what might represent barriers to the success of your program. Think broadly – including practical, theoretical, cultural, etc. barriers. Be realistic. What really could get in your way? Refer to your readings for guidance.
Your assignment must describe and justify, in detail, FIVE realistic barriers to the success of your program.
Formatting and Other Requirements
• Title page with name, assignment title, and university (APA-style)
• Double-spaced
• Times New Roman font, 12-point
• 1” margins on all four sides
• 1-2 pages in length (length requirement does not take title page into consideration)
2. Case studies can be an excellent opportunity for students to apply their understanding of course materials in a real-life scenario as a manager. More information is in the attachment
AHS626 Case Study Assignment
INTRODUCTION: Case studies can be an excellent opportunity for students to apply their understanding of course materials in a real-life scenario. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
• Apply the course materials, activities, and personal experiences to a real-world scenario using a case study.
• Discuss the role of manager in initiating and completing common tasks found in the healthcare industry.
This activity aligns with the following course objectives:
• CLO1: Describe the contemporary healthcare environment from the perspective of a manager
• CLO2: Identify specific strategies for dealing with organizational change and the manager’s role as change agent
• CLO3: Analyze the phases of the organizational life cycle that reflect major changes and relate these to the functions of the manager
• CLO4: Identify the styles of leadership, their characteristics, and the circumstances under which they are applied
• CLO5: Define the management functions of planning and decision making
• CLO6: Define the basic management function of organizing and identify the steps in the organizing process
• CLO7: Describe the role and activities of the professional practitioner as consultant
• CLO8: Differentiate among committee types, their general purpose, and recommended guidelines
RESOURCES: Students will use the case studies found in the textbook for this exercise. Alternately, students may contact the instructor for an alternate case study. INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment, students will refer to Chapters 1-8 of the textbook. Each chapter includes one or more case studies. Select one of the case studies, complete the activities, and submit it using the DropBox in Blackboard. Be sure to include the chapter and case study number that you are using.
DUE DATE: BY 11:59 PM on Sunday, March 8.
TOTAL POINTS: This activity is worth a total of 50 points, the rubric is provided below:
Criteria 31- 40 points 21-30 points 11-20 points 0-10 points
Quality of Response
The submission shows an in- depth understanding of topics covered in case study.
The submission mostly shows an understanding of topics covered in the case study.
The submission is acceptable and shows basic knowledge of the module topics but no depth in understanding.
Missing or inaccessible submission.
5 points 3-4 points 1-2 points 0 points
Writing Quality The submission contained no errors in spelling or grammar. The content is logical and easy to follow and understand.
The submission contained a few errors in spelling or grammar. The content mostly logical and easy to follow and understand.
The submission contained multiple spelling or grammar errors. The posts were not logical, making it difficult to follow and understand.
Missing or inaccessible submission.