The body of your paper should be between 5 and 7 double-spaced pages in length. You are to use 12 point Times New Roman font. At least five (5) reference sources, not counting your textbook, are required. These sources must be articles from psychological journals, not websites, online encyclopedias, or books. Be sure to use correct APA style format for in-text and reference citations.
For this assignment, you will choose one area of gender comparisons and do further research beyond your textbook. You will need to narrow your topics down beyond the general categories listed in Chapters 5 and 6. In Chapter 5, you have two general comparison areas (cognitive abilities and attitudes about achievements). If you choose, for example, cognitive abilities to explore in your paper, you will want to further narrow your topic down to specific abilities (e.g., memory, mathematics, verbal ability, spatial ability, etc.). In Chapter 6, you have three general comparison areas (communication patterns, characteristics related to helping and caring, and characteristics related to aggression and power). If you choose, for example, communication patterns to explore in your paper, you will want to further narrow your topic down to a specific kind of communication (e.g., verbal or nonverbal). Whenever possible, select meta-analytic studies for your references (see pp. 147-148 in your textbook).
The body of your paper should be between 5 and 7 double-spaced pages in length. You are to use 12 point Times New Roman font. At least five (5) reference sources, not counting your textbook, are required. These sources must be articles from psychological journals, not websites, online encyclopedias, or books. Be sure to use correct APA style format for in-text and reference citations.