Assignment Question Select one of the scenarios provided. Write a laboratory procedure providing all information essential to the proper performance of the task selected. Ensure the procedure includes information related to: • Preparations prior to sampling • Sampling equipment and containers to be used • Stepbystep sequence of sampling operations • Identification and preservation of the samples • How samples are to be transported to the laboratory • Records to be kept. Scenario 1 You are the Laboratory Manager for Enviroanalysis Laboratories Pty Ltd. Enviroanalysis Laboratories has been collecting water samples from lakes for a number of years and has decided to seek NATA accreditation for this work. The laboratory analysis the samples in the field for pH, conductivity and dissolved solids and performs tests for trace metals in water so that the EPA can monitor environmental pollution from the nearby Aluminium smelter, Aluway. Aluway is located about half an hour by car from Enviroanalysis Laboratories. Write a procedure for the collection, transportation of the samples and sample receipt in the Euroanalysis laboratory for trace metals analysis.
Assignment 2 will be assessed according to the following criteria: Content Meets the requirements set out in ISO 17025 and is expressed in a way that is engaging to the reader. The assignment submission clearly sets out the various procedures required in the scenario. Meets the requirements set out in ISO 17025 and clearly sets out the various procedures required in the scenario. Meets the requirements in ISO 17025. Fails to meet the requirements in ISO 17025. Clarity of procedure The procedure uses a variety of techniques to ensure that the information is clearly presented and that the needs of the audience are met in terms of presentation of the information. The procedure is very clear and logical in the steps described. The procedure presents s stepbystep sequence that can largely be followed. The procedure is not logical and is difficult to follow. Written Expression Excellent written expression; excellent grammar and sophisticated writing style. Written in a way that was easy to understand. Wellstructured. Good written expression; good grammar and writing style. Good structure adopted that is generally easy to follow. The submission may have relied too much on jargon instead of using language that is easy to understand.. Clear written expression not always used making it difficult to understand; work on grammar needed; may have relied on jargon and made no meaningful attempt to use language that it easy to understand. Attempt to structure the submission has been made, but not very easy to follow. Poor expression and grammar making it impossible to read. No attempt made to use language that is easy to understand or to structure the submission coherently. Inclusion of document control All required document control features included. Considers novel ways of including and communicating document control information All required document control features included Some document control features included No document control features Referencing References to procedures cited include. Provides other useful sources of information for readers to followup if required References to sources of procedures included and contains full details Some referencing information provided, but this is not complete. No referencing of sources of procedures