Smoking and its Effect on Health
We have all come across someone who smokes, it could be a family member,
friend, neighbor or maybe yourself. As we all know, college is one place that a
person can learn certain behaviors good or bad, and unfortunately smoking is
one of the bad behaviors that a college student might adopt due to peer
According to history today, “each year smoking kills more people than AIDS,
alcohol, drug abuse, car accident, murders, sucides, and fires combine”
Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of deaths in the United States each
year. According to the Center for Disease Control, “every year nearly half a
million Americans die prematurely from smoking or secondhand smoke, and
another 16 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking”. Smoking is
very addicting and harms every organ in the body, and it takes a lot of
determination to quit the habit.
Today I am going to inform you about smoking and its effect on our health.
Main point 1
1. What makes smoking addictive, the nicotine…………
2. What does smoking do to the blood vessels?
I used to have this neighbor who smoked most of his life. He would smoke
about a pack of cigarettes a day, in the end he developed clogged arteries
due to smoking, and a few days before he was supposed to be operated on
he had a massive heart attack and unfortunately passed away.
3. Effects of smoking on the respiratory
However, one dont have to suffer this devastating diseases if they quit
smoking or never pick up a
Annotated Bibliography