The hero with a thousand face by JOSEPH CAMPBELL
review title CAMPBELL
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Reading reactions are worth a total of 45% of the course grade.
Students will write nine reading reactions over the course of the semester. Each reading reaction is worth 5% of the course grade.
Reading reactions are due by the due date.
Reading reactions should be at least 300 words and free of basic grammatical and spelling errors.
This means spellcheck is required. I will not grade papers with spelling errors or papers with multiple and basic grammatical errors (e.g., I’m not worried about split infinitives but I am worried about sentences that lack verbs).
I strongly recommend reading your paper out loud. If your paper doesn’t make sense to you out loud, then it should be revised so that it does.
Each reading reaction must:
Select one quote (no more than one sentence) from the text that you consider to be the text’s “thesis” or primary claim;
Provide the context for the quote (i.e., explain what the author is talking about prior to the quote);
Explain – in your own words – what the quote means;
Explain why this quote is the text’s thesis or primary claim.
Cite the page number for the quote. For example: (Campbell, 42) [not necessary for your reaction paper covering the Epic of Gilgamesh]
You do not have to provide a thesis that summarizes the entire reading. Focus on one part of the text (no more than a few pages) and provide a thesis for that part of the text.
No, seriously, please do not try to come up with a thesis that summarizes the entire reading. The goal here is to focus on one piece of the text and examine that piece in depth.
You do not have to provide a cover page. Just be sure your paper includes: your name, a title and a date.